Is it open to complete beginners with no experience in dance or acrobatics?
Absolutely. It definitely is for people who don’t have any background in dance or circus! My aim as a teacher is precisely to make all these floorwork movements (and maybe even more importantly, the concepts that gluesthe movements together) accessible to everyone.
What do I need to follow these courses?
You will need access to some decent floor space. It can be your living room or one of the studios that are available in mainstream gyms, or even your garden if you live in a sunny country. A slidy wooden floor is really a plus. You will also need a body – and seek clearance with your GP if required.
How long are the training sessions?
You can totally adapt the content of the program to your own needs – time constraints. 30 to 45 minutes is a good start to get the gist of every move, watch the tutorials and then practice, but if you can easily stretch your training sessions to 1.30 hour and more.
What is the difference between this and your Youtube Channel?
My Youtube Channel gathers around 5 per cent of the whole movement terminology I have put together. Almost every tutorial you will get here is private and has been shot specifically for this course! Not to mention the feedback you get from me and the community as you progress along and the programming 🙂 My personal online coaching is a more thorough process. We Skype and talk about your needs, your goals and your timetable. I program 2 to 3 different sessions per week, and send you bespoke feedback videos, adjusting the program from one week to the other from the videos you sent me. It is more personal, more comprehensive, but also more expensive. This Facebook course is a happy compromise between learning on your own and my individual coaching